Sunday, 26 February 2017

Kenyan Tea Lights Two Souls

Rallying for a Wild LifeNicole:

The second morning I rose before sunrise to jump onto the trail as the sun pierced the low hanging clouds. I so enjoy this quiet time with nature, to recharge and take on the day. I walked through the bush to get to the Park road to go introduce myself to Philip, the Masai gate guard. 

He was thrilled to have company and invited me to join him for tea. To share with another what little one has seems the greatest gift of love to me. His special Kenyan tea with milk and sugar was some of the best tea I’d ever had. From this mug, I could taste his culture, and love of ancestry in every sip. He pulled up two chairs and a table for us to chat and enjoy the tea as we watched his only friends, the animals, come to greet us.

Philip allowed me to film our conversation that spanned politics of both countries, his and mine, family and spirituality. I spent an utterly delightful hour with this beautiful soul who was sharing himself with me. The birds sang and pecked for food, and the baboons played and watched us. The Nairobi Park was Philip’s home, and the animals his family and friends. He knew this was his calling, and he took heed. I find when anyone follows their heart and soul’s path, they are much happier and fulfilled. 

So there we were, two souls following our heart’s path with tea bringing us together for a beautiful exchange of cultures and the joining of a global family.

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